2024 Vacation Bible School for Rising 3 yr olds - Rising 5th Grade

Note: VBS is currently at capacity. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email VBSMPPC@gmail.com with the following information:

Parent name and volunteer availability

Child's name and rising grade level


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a half-day camp that operates from 9am-12:30pm for children 3 years old (by August 31st) through rising 5th graders. This year, VBS will be Monday, June 10 through Thursday, June 13.


Our younger campers learn stories from the Bible through music, recreation, story-telling, and service projects. Mission Kids, our 4th and 5th graders, serve the community through various outreach projects. Mission Kids will travel off-campus.


The non-refundable camp fee includes a t-shirt, camp bag, music, and morning activities. The cost of attending is $75 per child for church members, $100 per child for non-members.


Registration opens on Thursday, February 1 for MPPC members and Thursday, February 15 for non-members. Registration will close Friday, March 1. 


As VBS is run by volunteers, we ask that an adult from each family volunteer a minimum of two days. We are open to creative sharing of this responsibility given new work force realities. We are so appreciative of our volunteers and ask that you consider as many days as your schedule allows. We appreciate and welcome four-day volunteers! We also have volunteer opportunities available prior to the start of VBS that are designed for our full-time working parents. VBS volunteer time is 8:30am-1:00pm Monday-Thursday. Childcare will be provided for children aged 2 and younger on the days that you volunteer. Children in childcare will be in a weekday school classroom with toys and VBS themed enrichment activities. This is a magical week, and we promise you won’t regret being a part of this camp centered on faith, fun, friends, and family.



We look forward to a wonderful week DIVING into a friendship with God. Get ready for our underwater adventure and learning more about God’s love for each of us. 


Note: Mini VBS for rising 3's is currently at capacity, and is no longer accepting registrations

6/10/2024 9:00 AM - 6/13/2024 12:00 PM
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