2020-21 Weekday School Half-Day Waitlist Registration

07/24/2020 UPDATE: We are currently fully enrolled with a waitlist in each age level. The waitlist for Twos is very long, and we do not anticipate having additional spaces available.

Monthly Tuition is based on the number of days your child attends each week.  The only options available for the waitlist are:

  • Threes: 4 days M-Th $402 
  • Fours: 5 days M-F $462
  • TK: 5 days M-F $492

A non-refundable registration fee of $105 per child is required. 

Required Medical Forms

 NC law requires the school to have a current medical record and current immunization records on file for each child.  The records must be completed by the child's physician and submitted to our Weekday School nurse prior to the first day of school, Tuesday, September 2, 2020.

2/4/2020 11:00 AM - 8/31/2020 5:00 PM
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Caroline Broadfoot