2024 High School Camino Pilgrimage

Pilgrims have walked the Camino since the middle ages. It is an ancient faith practice of slowing down, walking and taking notice of our world. There are endless lessons that we learn on this incredible pilgrimage.  We will walk 75 miles over 7 days. Our bags will be transported, so we will walk with only a small back-pack each day. We will have 3 hikes in preparation for this trip and a required class on preparing spiritually. 

This trip is for current 9th-12th graders.


Please also submit these form below for this trip along with this registration:

1.      https://mppcforms.formstack.com/forms/participanteventtripcovenant

2.      https://mppcforms.formstack.com/forms/medicalliabilityreleaseform

6/18/2024 12:00 AM - 6/29/2024 12:00 AM
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Michelle Thomas-Bush
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