2024 Senior Capstone


We are on a faith journey and each step invites you to deeper into discovery, relationship and understanding.  This capstone offers a wholistic balance between community, personal and spiritual development.  We do hope that you will delve deeper into one area of your faith and explore a question of faith. We invite you to grab a habit or two throughout this year, all self-guided. There will be time to reflect on your experiences together and a closing time to explore God’s call and purpose for your life. The goal of this senior capstone is for you to move in deeper relationship and understanding with the grace of God, the love of Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirt that will embolden us on the journey of faith as the body of Christ. 


Senior Timeline:

August: Take Enneagram Test (A link will be sent to you after you register)

August 13-14 (Sunday-Monday): Lake Day with Juniors 11am overnight. You can leave as early as you need to leave on Monday.

September 17: First Gathering for Senior Capstone, 5:00 Cornerstone

October 22: 5:00 Cornerstone first to interview YOUTH then 5:45 Dinner at Maggiano’s

At this meeting, you will choose your theology project based on one question.

December 10: Lunch Meeting Check-In 11:30 am Providence Sundries

January 21: Conversations with Clergy/PANEL, 11:15 and Lunch

(Photo for Senior booklet taken after Church at 11:15)

February 25: 5:00 Dinner (your choice)

April 21: Presentation to each other at Rev. Michelle’s, 4108 Woodfox over dinner

9/17/2023 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Allison Billings