Rise Against Hunger 2019

Rise Against Hunger’s meal packaging program is a fun, hands-on international mission project where volunteers work in an assembly line to package high protein, vitamin rich meals.  Rise Against Hunger provides these meals for the most vulnerable in our world. 

On Sunday, Oct. 20, we will be making 25,000 meals throughout the day. Please make note of the time assigned to different age groups. Sign up for the shift for your age group and if you would like to make a donation, we encourage you to do that at this time. Each meal is .34cents.  We suggest a donation of $50 per family or $20 per participant. You do not have to attend to donate. 

Join us as a family to prepare meals according to your young person's grade:

6th Graders and Parents: 9:45 am 

Sprout Outreach: 12:00-1:00 pm 

Mission Kids 2:00-3:30 pm

Confirmation/8th graders 4:00-5:00 pm

Youth 7th grade, 9th-12th grade 5:00-6:30 pm

10/20/2019 9:45 AM - 6:30 PM
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Kabrel Brown
(704) 927-1271